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Persib Request Additional USD $ 3 Billion
BANDUNG – Bandung Persib Management filed a supplementary budget amounting to Rp3 billion to the consortium of PT Persib Bandung Dignity (PT UN) to shop for new players next season. Additional funds are considered appropriate to bring some star quality to the squad Maung Bandung.
President Director of UN Umuh Muchtar states, additional budget is entirely Rp3 billion will be used to buy new players, beyond a few players will be retained for the Liga Indonesia (LSI) upcoming 2010/2011. “And the value we see feasible to bring in some of the best players, both foreign and local,” said Umuh, Friday (06/11/2010).
The man who was also manager of this Persib add, last season's, the consortium provide loan funds to the United Nations and the management of PT Persib of Rp20 billion utuk operational funds for one round of competition. Of that amount, partly intended to buy players competing in this 2009/2010 season.
Umuh explained, the addition of these funds if it wants to realize its natural numbered targets champions next season. These additional funds to hire the quality squad capable Persib boost achievement in the competition next season.
“So this is consistent with the targets that we switch to the championship next season. We expect the consortium to give fresh air and together we understand the needs of next season, “he explained. (MSY)
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